Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The Silly Old Buggers had a very successful first preview with lots more in the audience than we expected or, in reality, could have hoped for. Considering we're virtually unknown, it's very encouraging to find that people are turning up to 'have a look'.
We had some great reactions from a few 'strangers' in the audience (i.e. NOT friends or relatives!) who took our brochure away with them and enthusiastically said they would tell their friends to come and see it. Can't be unhappy with that!
We stayed and had a glass of wine and a beautiful meal downstairs in the Swiss Club with a few friends and 'fans'. A great wind-down. Our very genial host, Roger Moullet and hostess, Corinne made us feel very welcome and we're all looking forward to tomorrow night.
Tomorrow is Prime Time for Grown Ups at the Melbourne Town Hall - 3pm start. With our early showtime of 6pm, we're very grateful to be the first show on after the intro. It's just a short sample of about 12 or 15 shows in the festival and runs for about one and a half hours.
No photos or video of the show yet to put up here yet - I'll probably take some on Saturday night, when the show is a little more 'run-in'.

Back to: www.sillyoldbuggers.com.au to read all about the show and the cast, etc.
or: www.gillianmwadds.com.au - to learn a bit about who I am.

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